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oat milk vs almond milk news

Oat Milk vs Almond Milk: The Shocking Truth Revealed

Written by: Edward Haugh

Last updated on


Time to read 15 min

As plant-based milk alternatives continue to gain popularity, two contenders have emerged as frontrunners in the coffee world: oat milk vs almond milk . Both offer unique flavors and nutritional profiles, making the choice between them a matter of personal preference and dietary needs.

We'll explore the key differences between oat milk vs almond milk, comparing their taste , nutrition , and sustainability factors. Whether you're looking for a creamy latte or a lighter addition to your morning brew , understanding these milk alternatives can help you make an informed decision. Let's check into the world of plant-based milks and discover which one might be the perfect match for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Oat milk is higher in calories , protein , and carbs , while almond milk is lower in calories, protein, and carbs , making it suitable for low-calorie diets.

  • Both milk alternatives are often fortified with vitamins and minerals, but oat milk naturally contains more iron and fiber .

  • Oat milk is more environmentally friendly , requiring less water and land for production compared to almond milk.

  • In coffee, oat milk provides a creamier texture and better frothing capabilities, while almond milk offers a lighter, nutty flavor.

  • Oat milk is safe for those with nut allergies , while almond milk is better for low - carb diets and those sensitive to gluten.

Nutritional Comparison: Oat Milk vs Almond Milk

When it comes to plant-based milk alternatives, oat milk vs almond milk are two popular contenders. Let's check into their nutritional profiles to see how they stack up against each other.

Key Nutrients and Fortification

Oat milk vs almond milk both offer unique nutritional benefits. Oat milk naturally contains more iron and fiber , while almond milk is slightly higher in calcium . Many brands fortify their products with additional vitamins and minerals to enhance their nutritional value.

Both milk alternatives often come fortified with vitamins B12 and D , crucial for those following plant-based diets. Calcium fortification is common, bringing these alternatives closer to dairy milk in terms of bone health benefits. It's like giving these milk alternatives a nutrient superhero cape!

The fortification process can vary between brands, so it's always a good idea to check the label. Some oat and almond milk varieties may also include added vitamin E , potassium , or vitamin A . Think of it as a nutritional treasure hunt in the milk aisle!

Calorie and Macronutrient Breakdown

When comparing oat milk vs almond milk , the calorie and macronutrient content can differ significantly. Unsweetened almond milk typically contains fewer calories , with about 30 - 40 calories per cup, while unsweetened oat milk averages around 90 - 120 calories per cup.

Here's a quick breakdown of macronutrients per cup (240 mL):


Oat Milk (Unsweetened)

Almond Milk (Unsweetened)













Oat milk is the carb champion, making it a great choice for energy lovers. It's like the marathon runner of milk alternatives! Almond milk, on the other hand, is the lightweight contender, perfect for those watching their calorie intake . It's the featherweight boxer of the plant milk world!

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Health Considerations

When it comes to oat milk vs almond milk, both offer unique health benefits and potential drawbacks. Let's check into the specifics of each to help you make an informed decision for your plant-based milk needs.

Benefits of Oat Milk

Oat milk shines in several health aspects. It's naturally higher in fiber and iron compared to almond milk, giving your digestive system a little boost . The creamy consistency of oat milk makes it a dream for frothy drinks and baked goods , mimicking the texture of dairy milk. For those with nut allergies, oat milk is a safe haven. It's also a sustainable choice , producing fewer emissions than dairy and almond milk. Plus, oat milk often doesn't need thickeners like carrageenan , which some studies suggest may cause digestive issues . As a bonus, it's typically fortified with essential vitamins like B12 and D , making it a nutritious option for plant-based diets.

Advantages of Almond Milk

Almond milk brings its own set of health perks to the table. It's a calorie-conscious choice, typically containing only 30-40 calories per cup in its unsweetened form. This makes it ideal for those watching their calorie intake or managing their weight . Almond milk is naturally rich in vitamin E , an antioxidant that supports skin health and immune function . It's also slightly higher in calcium than oat milk, contributing to bone health . The nutty flavor and thinner consistency of almond milk make it a perfect match for smoothies , cereals , and savory recipes . Like oat milk, it's often fortified with vitamins and minerals , enhancing its nutritional profile.

Potential Drawbacks for Each

While both milk alternatives have their merits, they're not without potential drawbacks. Oat milk is higher in carbohydrates and calories , which may not align with low-carb or calorie-restricted diets. Some oat milk brands may contain added sugars , so it's crucial to check labels . As for almond milk, it's lower in protein compared to oat milk and dairy, which might be a concern for those relying on milk as a protein source. Almond production also requires more water , raising environmental concerns. Both milk types may contain additives or thickeners in some brands , so it's essential to read ingredient lists carefully and opt for versions with minimal additives .
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So Is Oat Milk Or Almond Milk Healthier?

The healthier choice between oat milk and almond milk largely depends on individual nutritional needs and preferences. Oat milk offers more protein and fiber , making it a good energy source, while almond milk is lower in calories and carbs . Both can be part of a healthy, well-rounded diet when chosen wisely. We recommend opting for unsweetened , fortified varieties of either milk to maximize nutritional benefits. Consider how you plan to use the milk – oat milk's creaminess works well in coffee and baking , while almond milk's lighter texture is great for smoothies and cereal . Ultimately, the healthiest choice is the one that aligns with your dietary goals and tastes best to you.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

When it comes to plant-based milk alternatives, sustainability is a key factor to consider. We'll explore how oat milk and almond milk stack up in terms of their environmental impact, focusing on their production processes, water usage, and land requirements.

Commercial Production Process

Oat milk production is relatively simple and eco - friendly . The process involves cleaning and soaking oats , blending them with water, and straining the mixture. This straightforward method requires minimal processing and energy. On the other hand, almond milk production is a bit more complex. Almonds are harvested , hulled , and ground into a paste . This paste is then mixed with water , filtered , and often fortified with vitamins and minerals . The almond production process typically involves more steps and energy consumption compared to oat milk.

Oat crops are generally more sustainable, as they require fewer pesticides and can be grown in various climates. Almonds, however, are primarily grown in specific regions with suitable climates, such as California's Central Valley. This concentration of almond production can lead to increased transportation costs and carbon emissions.

Water Usage and Land Requirements

Water usage is a critical factor in the sustainability of plant-based milks. Oat milk has a significantly lower water footprint compared to almond milk. On average, producing one liter of oat milk requires about 48 liters of water. In contrast, almond milk production is notoriously water-intensive, with one liter requiring approximately 371 liters of water. However both options are significantly lower than dairy milks water usage.

Land use also differs between these two milk alternatives. Oats are a low-impact crop that can be grown in rotation with other plants, promoting soil health and biodiversity . Almond trees, however, require dedicated orchards and take several years to mature before producing nuts. This long-term land commitment can limit agricultural flexibility and potentially impact local ecosystems.

In the battle of oat milk vs almond milk, oat milk generally comes out on top in terms of sustainability. Its lower water requirements and more versatile crop production make it a more environmentally friendly choice for those looking to reduce their ecological footprint .

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Taste and Texture Profiles

When it comes to plant-based milk alternatives, taste and texture play crucial roles in determining which one becomes your go-to choice. Oat milk and almond milk each bring unique flavor profiles and mouthfeel experiences to the table, making them versatile options for various culinary applications.

Flavor Characteristics

Oat milk boasts a naturally sweet and creamy flavor that's reminiscent of the milk left in your cereal bowl. It's got a subtle nuttiness that doesn't overpower other ingredients, making it a chameleon in the world of plant-based milks. On the other hand, almond milk is the quiet virtuoso of the bunch. It offers a delicate, nutty taste that's less pronounced than you might expect. Think of it as the gentle whisper of almonds rather than a shout.

The sweetness factor is where these two diverge like forks in a milky road. Unsweetened oat milk tends to have a natural sweetness that can make you wonder if someone snuck some sugar in when you weren't looking. Almond milk, however, plays it cool with a more neutral flavor profile that can range from slightly sweet to almost bland, depending on the brand and whether it's sweetened or not.

Performance in Coffee and Cooking

In the coffee arena, oat milk and almond milk are like two heavyweight champions with very different fighting styles. Oat milk is the crowd - pleaser , frothing up like a dream and creating that velvety micro foam that baristas dream about. It's the secret weapon for latte art enthusiasts and those who crave a creamy coffee experience. Almond milk, while not as naturally creamy, still holds its own. It adds a subtle nuttiness to your brew without overpowering the coffee's natural flavors.

When it comes to cooking, these plant-based contenders continue to show their unique strengths. Oat milk's thicker consistency makes it a star in creamy sauces and soups , where it can stand in for dairy milk without breaking a sweat. It's also a champ in baking, providing moisture and binding properties that can rival traditional milk. Almond milk, with its lighter body, shines in smoothi es and breakfast cereals , where it adds a hint of nuttiness without weighing down the dish. However, it can be a bit finicky in high-heat cooking situations, sometimes separating or curdling if not handled with care.

Versatility and Uses

Oat milk and almond milk offer diverse applications beyond just a splash in your morning coffee. These plant-based alternatives have carved out their own niches in both drinking and culinary realms, each bringing unique qualities to the table.

Drinking Options

Oat milk shines in hot beverages , creating a creamy , frothy texture that's perfect for lattes and cappuccinos . It's the barista's dream, blending seamlessly with coffee without overpowering its flavor. Almond milk, on the other hand, is a star in cold drinks . Its light, refreshing taste makes it ideal for smoothies and iced coffees . We've found that oat milk holds up well in chai teas , while almond milk adds a delightful nuttiness to matcha lattes . For those who enjoy their milk straight up, oat milk's naturally sweet flavor makes it a tasty standalone drink, while almond milk's subtle taste appeals to those who prefer a lighter option. In the world of flavored milks, both alternatives take on additional flavors well, from chocolate to vanilla to seasonal specialties. You can find hundreds of recipes on Milk Depot's website.
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Culinary Applications

In the kitchen, oat milk and almond milk prove their worth beyond the glass. Oat milk's creamy consistency makes it a champion in savory dishes, creating velvety sauces and soups without separating under heat. It's also a baking superstar , producing moist cakes and fluffy pancakes . Almond milk, while trickier in high-heat cooking, excels in cold applications . It's the secret ingredient for silky - smooth ice creams and puddings . We've discovered that oat milk works wonders in creamy pasta dishes , while almond milk adds a subtle depth to homemade salad dressings . For breakfast, both shine in different ways: oat milk creates hearty overnight oats , and almond milk livens up granola and cereals . In the battle of oat milk vs almond milk for cooking, each has its strengths, turning plant-based culinary adventures into delicious reality.

Allergies and Dietary Restrictions

When it comes to oat milk vs almond milk, allergies and dietary restrictions play a crucial role in determining which option is best for individuals. Let's explore how these plant-based alternatives stack up in terms of common allergens and their suitability for various diets.

Common Allergens

Oat milk and almond milk cater to different allergy concerns. Oat milk is a safe choice for those with nut allergies, as it's completely free from tree nuts. However, some people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity may need to exercise caution with oat milk. While oats are naturally gluten - free , cross-contamination during processing can occur. To address this, many brands offer certified gluten - free oat milk.

On the flip side, almond milk is a no-go for individuals with tree nut allergies. It's made from almonds, which are tree nuts and a common allergen. For those without nut allergies, almond milk can be a great option, especially if they're sensitive to gluten or oats.

It's worth noting that both oat milk and almond milk are lactose-free , making them suitable alternatives for people with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies. As always, it's best to check the labels for any additional ingredients that might trigger allergies.

Suitability for Various Diets

When it comes to fitting into different dietary lifestyles, oat milk and almond milk each have their strengths. Oat milk is a hit with vegans and vegetarians due to its creamy texture and versatility in cooking. It's also a favorite among those following a plant-based diet for environmental reasons, as oat production generally has a lower environmental impact.

Almond milk shines in low-calorie and low-carb diets. It's a go-to for people following ketogenic or paleo diets, as it's naturally low in carbohydrates and calories. However, it's important to choose unsweetened varieties to keep the carb count down.

Both milk alternatives fit well into most plant-based diets. They're both vegan-friendly and can be used in various ways, from morning coffee to baking. For those on gluten-free diets, certified gluten-free oat milk or almond milk are both excellent choices.

Ultimately, the choice between oat milk and almond milk often comes down to personal dietary needs, taste preferences, and specific health goals. Whether you're looking to bulk up with the higher protein content of oat milk or slim down with the lower calorie count of almond milk, there's a plant-based option to suit your dietary style.

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Choosing between oat milk or almond milk isn't a one-size-fits-all decision. Both offer unique benefits and drawbacks in taste nutrition and environmental impact. We've explored their distinct flavors culinary uses and nutritional profiles to help you make an informed choice.

Whether you prioritize creamy texture sustainability or specific dietary needs there's a plant-based milk that fits your lifestyle. Remember to opt for unsweetened fortified varieties to maximize health benefits. Ultimately the best choice depends on your personal preferences and how it aligns with your dietary goals and values .

Frequently Asked Questions

Which milk alternative is better for coffee: oat milk or almond milk?

The choice depends on personal preference. Oat milk offers a creamy texture and froths well, making it ideal for lattes. Almond milk adds a subtle nutty flavor without overpowering the coffee. Oat milk is generally preferred for hot coffee drinks, while almond milk works well in iced coffees.

How do oat milk and almond milk compare nutritionally?

Oat milk is higher in calories, carbohydrates, and protein, making it a good energy source. It also contains more iron and fiber. Almond milk is lower in calories and higher in calcium and vitamin E. Both are often fortified with vitamins B12 and D. The healthier choice depends on individual nutritional needs.

Which milk alternative is more environmentally friendly?

Oat milk is generally considered more sustainable. It requires less water (48 liters per liter produced) compared to almond milk (371 liters). Oat production is simpler, uses fewer pesticides, and promotes soil health. Almond production is more energy-intensive and requires long-term land commitment for orchards.

Are there any allergy considerations for oat milk and almond milk?

Oat milk is safe for those with nut allergies but may pose a risk for individuals with celiac disease unless certified gluten-free. Almond milk is unsuitable for those with tree nut allergies but is gluten-free. Both are lactose-free, making them suitable for individuals with lactose intolerance.

How do oat milk and almond milk differ in cooking applications?

Oat milk's thicker consistency makes it suitable for creamy sauces, baking, and hot beverages. It produces moist cakes and velvety textures. Almond milk is better for cold applications like smoothies, cereals, ice creams, and puddings. It can be finicky in high-heat cooking situations.

Which milk alternative is better for weight management?

Almond milk is generally better for weight management due to its lower calorie content (30-40 calories per cup for unsweetened varieties). Oat milk contains more calories (90-120 per cup unsweetened) and carbohydrates. However, oat milk's higher protein content may contribute to feeling fuller for longer.

Can oat milk and almond milk be used interchangeably in recipes?

While they can often be substituted for each other, results may vary. Oat milk's creamier texture works better in recipes requiring a thicker consistency, like sauces or baked goods. Almond milk is ideal for lighter recipes, smoothies, and cold dishes. Consider the flavor profile and consistency needed when substituting.

How do oat milk and almond milk compare in taste?

Oat milk has a naturally sweet and creamy flavor, often described as similar to the taste of oatmeal. Almond milk offers a delicate, nutty taste that's lighter and more refreshing. The taste preference is subjective and can vary depending on the brand and whether the product is sweetened or flavored.
Edward Haugh - Founder of Milk Depot
Image from Facebook

Author: Edward Haugh - Founder of Milk Depot

Edward is a leading authority on plant based milks. With a passion for health, sustainability, and innovation, he has transformed the way consumers approach milk. His flagship product, the Milk Maker, enables users to create fresh, homemade plant-based milks in under a minute, free from additives and preservatives, all while saving customers up to 90% the cost of store bought milks.

As a trusted voice in the plant-based community, Edward advocates for the benefits of almond, oat, cashew, hemp, soy and all plant based milks while raising awareness on the dangers of the conventional milk industry, from it's additives, single use packaging waste, to environmental concerns and everything in-between. 

Through his articles on the free milk makers academy, and recipe blog, he provides essential insights and resources, empowering individuals to adopt healthier, eco-friendly choices. Edward Haugh is your go-to expert for all things plant based milk.
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