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Oat Milk vs Coconut Milk: Which One Is Better For You?

Written by: Edward Haugh

Last updated on


Time to read 15 min

In the world of plant-based milk alternatives, oat milk vs coconut milk have emerged as popular choices for those seeking dairy-free options. As more people adopt vegan and dairy-free lifestyles, these alternatives have gained significant traction in recent years. But what sets them apart, and which one might be the better choice for you?

We'll check into the unique characteristics of oat milk and coconut milk, comparing their taste profiles , nutritional value , and culinary applications . Whether you're looking for a creamy addition to your morning coffee or a versatile ingredient for cooking and baking , understanding the differences between these two plant-based milks can help you make an informed decision. Let's explore the battle of the non-dairy milks and see how oat milk and coconut milk stack up against each other.

Key Takeaways

  • Oat milk is lower in calories and fat compared to coconut milk, making it a better choice for weight management

  • Coconut milk offers a distinct tropical flavor , while oat milk has a milder taste that blends well in various recipes

  • Both milk alternatives are lactose - free and suitable for those with dairy intolerances

  • Oat milk is generally more environmentally friendly due to lower water usage and greenhouse gas emissions

  • Homemade versions of both milk alternatives can be more cost - effective and allow for customization of ingredients

  • Consider your specific dietary needs, taste preferences, and environmental concerns when choosing between oat and coconut milk

What Is Oat Milk vs Coconut Milk?

Oat milk vs coconut milk are two popular plant-based alternatives to dairy milk. These creamy concoctions have taken the beverage world by storm, each offering unique flavors and nutritional profiles. Let's check into how these milk marvels are crafted.

How Oat Milk Is Made

Oat milk is the result of a clever culinary alchemy involving whole oat grains. The process begins with soaking oats in water, blending them into a smooth slurry, and then straining out the solids. This leaves behind a creamy, oat-infused liquid that's then fortified with vitamins and minerals.

Oat milk naturally contains fiber and protein, and it's often enriched with nutrients like vitamins A , B2 , B12 , and D , as well as calcium and phosphorus . It's a chameleon in the kitchen, adapting well to various recipes and earning its place as a barista's darling in frothy lattes.

How Coconut Milk Is Made

Coconut milk is the tropical temptress of plant-based milks. It's crafted from the grated flesh of mature coconuts, blended with water to create a luscious, creamy liquid. The process is like wringing out a coconut sweater, if you will.

There are two main types of coconut milk: canned and carton. Canned coconut milk is made by pressing grated coconut flesh to extract a thick cream, which is then diluted to create milk. It's the heavyweight champion of coconut products, often used in cooking.

Carton coconut milk, on the other hand, is the more laid-back cousin. It's made by blending coconut cream with water, resulting in a drinkable beverage that's perfect for sipping. Like its oat counterpart, it's often fortified with vitamins and minerals to mimic the nutritional profile of dairy milk.

Nutritional Comparison

When it comes to oat milk vs coconut milk, understanding their nutritional profiles is key to making an informed choice. Let's check into the nitty-gritty of these popular plant-based alternatives and see how they stack up against each other.

oat milk vs coconut milk beach

Calories and Macronutrients

Oat milk vs coconut milk differ significantly in their calorie content and macronutrient profiles. Oat milk typically contains 120 - 130 calories per cup , with 3 grams of protein , 5 grams of fat , and 16 grams of carbohydrates . It's a good source of fiber , offering about 2 grams per serving . Coconut milk, on the other hand, is a calorie heavyweight, packing 445 calories per cup in its full fat, canned form. It's low in protein and carbs but high in fat, with 48 grams per cup, mostly saturated. The diluted, carton variety of coconut milk is more comparable to oat milk, with about 45 caloriesper cup and 4 grams of fat . Think of oat milk as the steady marathon runner, providing balanced energy, while coconut milk is like a sprinter, delivering a quick, fat-fueled burst from primarily MCT's which are quickly turned to energy and not stored as fat.

Vitamins and Minerals

Both oat milk and coconut milk are often fortified to boost their nutritional value. Oat milk typically contains added calcium , vitamin D , vitamin A , and vitaminB12 , making it nutritionally similar to cow's milk. It's also naturally rich in iron and can provide up to 10% of the daily recommended intake per cup. Coconut milk, while not naturally abundant in vitamins and minerals, is often fortified with similar nutrients. However, it naturally contains small amounts of iron , magnesium , and potassium . The key difference lies in oat milk's natural vitamin E and B vitamins content, which coconut milk lacks. It's like comparing a fortified multivitamin gummy to a natural supplement – both can be beneficial, but their inherent nutritional profiles differ.

Added Sugars

When it comes to added sugars, we're entering a potential sweetness showdown. Unsweetened versions of both oat milk and coconut milk contain no added sugars. However, many commercial brands add sugars to enhance flavor, especially in oat milk. Sweetened oat milk can contain up to 7 grams of added sugar per cup, while sweetened coconut milk typically has less, around 2-3 grams per cup. It's crucial to check labels, as added sugars can turn these drinks from health heroes to sugar villains faster than you can say "milk mustache." Opt for unsweetened versions to keep your sugar intake in check and maintain the natural flavors of these plant-based alternatives.

oat milk vs coconut milk patio

Health Benefits and Considerations

When comparing oat milk vs coconut milk, it's crucial to consider their health impacts. Both offer unique benefits and potential considerations for various dietary needs and health goals.

Heart Health

Oat milk shines in the heart health department. It's packed with beta-glucans, a type of soluble fiber that may help lower cholesterol levels. These oaty superheroes work like tiny sponges, soaking up cholesterol in your gut before it can enter your bloodstream. On the flip side, coconut milk is high in saturated fat, which has been linked to increased LDL (bad) cholesterol. However, most studies suggest that the type of saturated fat in coconut milk, medium-chain triglycerides ( MCTs ), certainly do not have the same negative effects on heart health as other saturated fats.

Lactose Intolerance

Both oat milk and coconut milk are lactose - free champions , making them excellent alternatives for those who can't tolerate dairy. Lactose intolerance affects millions of people worldwide, causing symptoms like bloating, gas, and diarrhea when consuming dairy products. Oat milk and coconut milk swoop in like dairy-free superheroes, offering creamy textures and versatile uses without the lactose trouble. They can be used in coffee, cereal, baking, and cooking, providing a seamless transition for those bidding farewell to traditional dairy. Plus, they often come fortified with calcium and vitamin D, ensuring you don't miss out on these essential nutrients typically found in cow's milk.

Allergies and Intolerances

When it comes to allergies and intolerances, oat milk and coconut milk each have their own considerations. Oat milk can be a lifesaver for those with nut or soy allergies, but it's important to note that some individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity may react to oats. While oats are naturally gluten-free, cross-contamination during processing can occur. Look for certified gluten - free oat milk if this is a concern. Coconut milk, on the other hand, is generally safe for those with common allergies like nuts, soy, and gluten. However, coconut allergies, while rare, do exist. It's like a dietary game of musical chairs - there's usually a seat for everyone, but it's essential to know which chair is right for you.

oat milk vs coconut milk kitchen

Taste and Texture Differences

Oat milk and coconut milk offer distinct flavor profiles and mouthfeel experiences . Oat milk boasts a mild , slightly sweet taste reminiscent of oatmeal. Its creamy texture makes it a barista's dream, creating velvety lattes and cappuccinos. Think of it as the chameleon of plant-based milks, blending seamlessly into various recipes without overpowering other flavors.

Coconut milk, on the other hand, brings a tropical twist to the table. Its rich, coconutty flavor can transport your taste buds to a beachside paradise with just one sip. The texture varies depending on the type you choose. Canned coconut milk offers a luxurious, thick consistency perfect for curries and desserts. Carton coconut milk, while thinner, still maintains a smooth and creamy texture ideal for everyday use.

When it comes to coffee, oat milk's neutral flavor allows the coffee's nuances to shine through. It's like a supportive friend who enhances your best qualities without stealing the spotlight. Coconut milk in coffee can be a bit of a diva, adding a bold coconut flavor that may overpower delicate coffee notes.

In baking, oat milk's subtle sweetness can enhance the overall flavor profile of your treats. Coconut milk, however, can add a distinctive tropical flair to your baked goods. It's like choosing between a cozy sweater (oat milk) and a vibrant Hawaiian shirt (coconut milk) for your recipe's wardrobe.

Both milk alternatives can create creamy soups and sauces , but the flavor outcomes will differ. Oat milk provides a neutral base, while coconut milk infuses dishes with its signature taste. It's a choice between a blank canvas and a pre-painted masterpiece – both have their merits depending on your culinary vision.

Culinary Uses

Oat milk vs coconut milk are versatile plant-based alternatives that shine in different culinary applications. Let's explore how these milk substitutes can elevate your cooking and baking experiences.

Best Uses for Oat Milk

Oat milk's creamy consistency and subtle sweetness make it a kitchen chameleon. In baking , it's the secret weapon for fluffy pancakes and moist cakes . We love using it in our morning lattes, where it froths up beautifully, rivaling dairy milk's performance. Oat milk also excels in savory dishes , adding richness to creamy soups and pasta sauces without overpowering other flavors.

For a pre or post workout boost, oat milk's higher carbohydrate content makes it an ideal choice. It's like fueling up your body's engine with premium gas! In smoothies, oat milk blends seamlessly, creating a silky texture that's hard to beat. And let's not forget about those dairy free cinnamon rolls – oat milk helps them rise to perfection, proving that plant-based doesn't mean compromising on taste or texture.

Best Uses for Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is the tropical twist your kitchen's been craving. In curries and stews, it's the liquid gold that transforms ordinary dishes into creamy , flavor - packed delights . Picture a velvety Thai curry or a rich Indian dal – that's coconut milk working its magic.

For dessert lovers, coconut milk is a dream come true. It's the secret to luscious dairy - free ice creams and decadent puddings . In smoothies , it adds a luxurious creaminess that'll make you feel like you're sipping on a vacation. And when it comes to baking , coconut milk can turn a simple cake into a moist , tropical masterpiece .

But don't limit coconut milk to sweet treats. It's a fantastic base for dairy-free white sauces and can even be whipped into a plant - based whipped cream . In the battle of oat milk vs coconut milk, coconut milk takes the crown for adding a distinctive, rich flavor to both sweet and savory dishes.

oat milk vs coconut asian

Environmental Impact and Sustainability

When it comes to oat milk vs coconut milk, the environmental footprint is a crucial factor to consider. Oat milk generally takes the lead in sustainability . Oats are a low-impact crop that requires less water and land compared to coconuts. They're like the fuel-efficient cars of the plant world, sipping resources rather than guzzling them.

Coconut milk, while delicious, comes with some environmental baggage . Coconuts primarily grow in tropical regions , often requiring long-distance transportation to reach consumers worldwide. This journey leaves a larger carbon footprint , like a coconut doing a world tour before landing in your glass.

However, it's not all doom and gloom for coconut lovers. Coconut trees are perennial crops that don't need replanting each year, which can help prevent soil erosion . They're the marathon runners of the plant world, going the distance without needing a pit stop.

Oat milk production typically generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions than coconut milk. Oats can be grown in various climates, reducing the need for extensive transportation. It's like having a farmers market in your backyard instead of flying in exotic fruits.

Both milks can contribute to deforestation if not sourced responsibly. We always recommend looking for brands that use sustainably sourced ingredients . It's like choosing a superhero team – you want members who fight for the environment, not against it.

In the end, oat milk often edges out coconut milk in the sustainability race. But remember, the most eco-friendly choice is the one you'll actually drink and enjoy. After all, the best plant-based milk is the one that doesn't end up down the drain.

Availability and Cost Comparison

Oat milk and coconut milk have become increasingly accessible in recent years, but their availability and pricing can vary. Let's explore how these plant based alternatives stack up in terms of accessibility and cost effectiveness.

Homemade Benefits

Making oat milk or coconut milk at home can be a game changer for your wallet and your taste buds. Homemade versions of both milk alternatives are often significantly more cost effective than store bought options, we're talking up to 90% cheaper ! With oat milk, you can whip up a batch using just oats and water, resulting in a creamy beverage that's free from additives and preservatives. It's like turning your kitchen into a mini milk factory!

Coconut milk, on the other hand, requires a bit more elbow grease. You'll need to crack open a fresh coconut, grate the flesh, and blend it with water. While it's a bit more labor intensive, the result is a rich, full flavored milk that can't be beat. Plus, you can control the thickness and sweetness to your liking and you can always purchase shredded coconut from the store. You'll then want to strain out the solids with a nut bag or cheesecloth.

Both homemade options allow you to avoid added sugars and emulsifiers commonly found in commercial versions. It's like having a secret recipe for your favorite milk alternative that you can customize to your heart's content. Whether you're team oat or team coconut, making your own milk can be a fun and rewarding kitchen adventure.

Using our Milk Maker you can whip up a batch of coconut or oat milk and turn it in to fresh, automatically filtered milk in less than a minute. Free from lactose, additives, preservatives and single use packaging waste. Plus you'll be saving up to 90% the cost of store bought milk and enjoy creative freedom to make different combo's and flavors.

oat milk vs coconut milk beach blonde


Both oat milk and coconut milk offer unique benefits for those seeking dairy-free alternatives. We've explored their nutritional profiles taste differences and culinary applications. Oat milk shines with its creamy texture and versatility while coconut milk adds a tropical flair to dishes. Your choice ultimately depends on personal taste dietary needs and environmental considerations. Whether you're looking for a barista-friendly option or a rich cooking ingredient there's a plant-based milk to suit your needs. Remember to check labels for added sugars and consider trying homemade versions for a more natural and cost-effective option.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which milk alternative is more nutritious: oat milk or coconut milk?

Oat milk generally has a more balanced nutritional profile. It contains more protein and fiber than coconut milk, while also being lower in saturated fat. Oat milk is often fortified with vitamins and minerals, making it a good source of nutrients. However, coconut milk is rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which may have significant health benefits.

How do oat milk and coconut milk compare in taste and texture?

Oat milk has a mild, slightly sweet flavor with a creamy texture, making it versatile for various uses. It's popular in coffee drinks and baking. Coconut milk has a distinct tropical flavor and comes in two forms: thick canned milk for cooking and thinner carton milk for drinking. Its rich taste can dominate in some recipes.

Which milk alternative is better for the environment?

Oat milk is generally considered more environmentally friendly. It requires less water and land to produce compared to coconut milk. Coconut milk has a larger carbon footprint due to transportation needs. However, coconut trees are perennial and can help prevent soil erosion. Both can be sustainable choices if sourced responsibly.

Can people with allergies or intolerances safely consume oat milk and coconut milk?

Both oat milk vs coconut milk are lactose-free, making them suitable for those with lactose intolerance. Oat milk is a good option for people with nut or soy allergies, but those with celiac disease should be cautious of potential gluten contamination. Coconut milk is generally safe for common allergies, though rare coconut allergies exist.

How do oat milk and coconut milk perform in cooking and baking?

Oat milk works well in both sweet and savory dishes due to its mild flavor and creamy texture. It's great for pancakes, smoothies, and creamy sauces. Coconut milk excels in curries, stews, and tropical-flavored desserts. It's also popular in dairy-free ice creams and as a base for whipped cream alternatives.

Are there significant differences in calorie content between oat milk and coconut milk?

Yes, there are notable differences. Oat milk typically contains 120-130 calories per cup. Full-fat canned coconut milk is much higher in calories, with about 445 calories per cup. However, diluted carton coconut milk is actually lower in calories, making it more comparable to oat milk in this aspect.

Can oat milk and coconut milk be made at home?

Both can be made at home, offering cost-effective and customizable alternatives to store-bought versions. Oat milk is relatively easy to make with just oats and water. Coconut milk requires more effort but allows control over thickness and sweetness. Homemade versions help avoid added sugars and emulsifiers found in commercial products.

Which milk alternative is better for heart health?

Oat milk may have an edge in heart health due to its beta-glucan content, which can help lower cholesterol levels. Coconut milk is high in saturated fat, which can raise LDL cholesterol. However, the MCTs in coconut milk may not have the same negative effects as other saturated fats. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Edward Haugh - Founder of Milk Depot
Image from Facebook

Author: Edward Haugh - Founder of Milk Depot

Edward is a leading authority on plant based milks. With a passion for health, sustainability, and innovation, he has transformed the way consumers approach milk. His flagship product, the Milk Maker, enables users to create fresh, homemade plant-based milks in under a minute, free from additives and preservatives, all while saving customers up to 90% the cost of store bought milks.

As a trusted voice in the plant-based community, Edward advocates for the benefits of almond, oat, cashew, hemp, soy and all plant based milks while raising awareness on the dangers of the conventional milk industry, from it's additives, single use packaging waste, to environmental concerns and everything in=between. 

Through his articles on the free milk makers academy, and recipe blog, he provides essential insights and resources, empowering individuals to adopt healthier, eco-friendly choices. Edward Haugh is your go-to expert for all things plant based milk.
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