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brunette woman with 2 children enjoying hemp milk

Hemp Milk Nutrition: Benefits, Uses, and How to Make It at Home

Written by: Edward Haugh

Last updated on


Time to read 10 min

We're always on the lookout for healthier alternatives to traditional dairy products, and hemp milk nutrition has been gaining popularity as one of the plant based options. This creamy, nutty beverage is made from hemp seeds and water, offering a unique blend of nutrients that can benefit our overall health.

Hemp milk is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a dairy free alternative. It's naturally free from lactose, soy, and gluten, catering to various dietary needs. As we explore the nutritional profile of hemp milk, we'll discover why it's becoming a favorite among health conscious consumers and how it stacks up against other plant based milk options.

Key Takeaways

  • Hemp milk is a nutritious plant-based alternative to dairy, made from hemp seeds and water
  • It's rich in essential amino acids, providing 3-4 grams of complete protein per cup
  • Hemp milk contains an ideal 3:1 ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, supporting heart and brain health
  • It's naturally free from lactose, soy, and gluten, making it suitable for various dietary needs
  • Hemp milk offers potential benefits for skin health due to its vitamin E and omega fatty acid content
  • Homemade hemp milk can be easily prepared using a Milk Maker, saving up to 90% compared to store-bought options

What Is Hemp Milk?

Hemp milk is a plant based beverage we're excited to share with you. It's made by blending hemp seeds with water, creating a creamy, nutty flavored drink. We love how this dairy free alternative packs a nutritional punch!

At Milk Depot, we've seen hemp milk's popularity soar. Why? It's a tasty option for those avoiding dairy, soy, or nuts. Plus,Β it's a breeze to make at home. Just grab some hemp seeds, water, and a blender – voila!

Here's a fun fact: hemp milk nutrition isn't new. It's been around for centuries! Ancient cultures used hemp seeds for food and medicine. Now, we're rediscovering its benefits.

Hemp milk's subtle, earthy taste makes it versatile. We use it in our morning coffee, smoothies, and even baking. It's a chameleon in the kitchen - blending into virtually everything!

But wait, there's more! Hemp milk doesn't contain THC (the stuff that gets you high). So, no worries about failing a drug test after your hemp milk latte. How's that for a conversation starter?

good size bottle of hemp milk

Nutritional Profile of Hemp Milk

Hemp milk nutrition packs a powerful punch. It's a plant based powerhouse that'll make your taste buds dance. Let's dive into the good stuff that makes hemp milk so nutritiously special.

Protein and Amino Acids

Hemp milk's got game when it comes to protein. It's loaded with all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source. We're talking about 3-4 grams of protein per cup, folks! That's not too shabby for a plant milk. These amino acids are the building blocks your body needs for muscle repair, immune function, and overall health. Plus, hemp protein is easy to digest, so your body can put it to work faster than you can say "hemptastic!"

Essential Fatty Acids

Hold onto your hats, because hemp milk's fatty acid profile is off the charts! It's rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, with an ideal 3:1 ratio. These good fats are like superheroes for your body, fighting inflammation and supporting heart and brain health. One cup of hemp milk delivers about 3 grams of these essential fatty acids. It's like giving your cells a spa day with every sip!

Health Benefits of Hemp Milk

Hemp milk nutrition profile offers numerous health benefits. Let's explore some of the key advantages of incorporating this plant based beverage into your diet.

Heart Health Support

Hemp milk's omega3 and omega6 fatty acids work wonders for your ticker. These essential fats help keep your arteries clear and your blood pressure in check. We've found that just one cup of hemp milk packs a punch with 3 grams of these heart loving fats. It's like giving your heart a daily high five! Plus, hemp milk's got zero cholesterol, making it a heart smart choice for those watching their levels. Who knew sipping on this creamy delight could be such a cardiac party?

Skin Health Promotion

Your skin's about to get a hemptastic glow-up! Hemp milk's loaded with vitamin E, a superhero antioxidant that fights off those pesky free radicals. It's like having a tiny army of skin defenders in every glass. The omega fatty acids in hemp milk also help keep your skin hydrated and supple. Say goodbye to dry, flaky skin and hello to that dewy, fresh faced look. We're not saying hemp milk is the fountain of youth, but it's definitely giving your skin a fighting chance!

Comparing Hemp Milk to Other Milk Alternatives

Hemp milk stands out among plant based milk alternatives. Let's explore how it compares to other popular options in terms of taste, texture, and nutrition.

Taste and Texture

Hemp milk offers a unique flavor profile that sets it apart. It's got a nutty, earthy taste that's not too overpowering. Some folks say it's like a milder version of sunflower seeds. Texture-wise,Β hemp milk's pretty creamy, but not as thick as oat milk. It's smoother than almond milk, which can sometimes be a bit watery. We've found it mixes well in coffee without separating no weird clumps here! And in baking? It's a champ, adding a subtle nuttiness to your treats. Unlike some other plant milks, hemp doesn't have that "beany" aftertaste. It's just smooth sailing for your taste buds!

Uses of Hemp Milk

Hemp milk's versatility makes it a popular choice for various culinary applications. We've explored its many uses and found it to be an excellent dairy free alternative in both beverages and cooking.

In Beverages

Hemp milk nutrition shines in a variety of drinks. We love using it in our morning coffee for a smooth, creamy texture without any separation. It's also fantastic in smoothies, adding a nutty flavor and boosting nutritional content. For a refreshing twist, we mix it with iced tea or use it as a base for protein shakes. Hot chocolate made with hemp milk is a cozy treat, and it even works well in cocktails for a unique, plant based twist. Don't forget to try it in your favorite latte recipes – it froths up nicely for those Instagram worthy coffee art moments!

2 glasses of hemp milk

Potential Risks and Considerations

While hemp milk offers numerous benefits, it's important to be aware of potential risks and considerations. We'll explore two key areas of concern: allergies and sensitivities, and THC content and drug testing.

Allergies and Sensitivities

Hemp milk is well tolerated, but some folks might experience allergic reactions. We've seen cases where people with tree nut allergies have had issues with hemp milk. It's not a common allergen, but it's always better to be safe than sorry! If you're prone to food allergies, start with a small amount and watch for any unusual symptoms. Some signs to look out for include itching, hives, or difficulty breathing. Remember, everyone's body is different, so what works for your bestie might not work for you. When in doubt, chat with your doctor before making hemp milk a regular part of your diet.

How to Choose and Store Hemp Milk

We've got the scoop on picking and preserving the perfect hemp milk! First things first, check the ingredient list. The fewer ingredients, the better. Look for hemp milk with just hemp seeds and water as the main components. Avoid brands with added sugars or artificial flavors – we're all about keeping it pure and nutritious!

When it comes to storage, treat your hemp milk like a VIP (Very Important Plant milk). Once opened, keep it chilled in the fridge and use it within 7-10 days. Unopened cartons can hang out in your pantry for months, but always check the expiration date. Shake it up before each use – those nutrients like to settle at the bottom.

Here's a fun tip: freeze leftover hemp milk in ice cube trays for a creamy addition to smoothies or iced coffee. It's like giving your future self a high five!

Making Hemp Milk at Home

We've got a gamechanger for you: making hemp milk at home is a breeze with the right tools. Forget the messy nut bags and time consuming straining – we're talking about a quick and easy process that'll have you sipping on fresh hemp milk in no time.

Here's our 7 step process to whip up delicious hemp milk:

  1. Add 1 cup of hemp seeds and any sweetener or flavor to the filter basket.
  2. Fill the pitcher with 1300 to 1600ml of water.
  3. Attach the filter basket to the Milk Maker unit and place it on the pitcher.
  4. Press the mode button to select Nut Milk, then hit start.
  5. In less than a minute, your fresh filtered milk is ready to drink.
  6. Pour the milk into an airtight container for fridge storage.
  7. Rinse the stainless steel parts and wipe with a sponge.

Easy peasy, right? Our Milk Maker skips the hassle of using nut bags to filter, making the process of creating homemade milk extremely convenient. Plus, you'll save on the cost of store-bought milk. Who knew being thrifty could taste so good?


Hemp milk stands out as a nutritious and versatile plant based alternative. We've explored its benefits from essential nutrients to its adaptability in various recipes and beverages. While it's generally safe for most people we've highlighted important considerations for those with allergies. Whether you choose store-bought or homemade hemp milk it's clear that this dairy-free option offers a unique blend of flavor nutrition and convenience. As the popularity of plant based milks continues to grow hemp milk nutrition is certainly worth considering as part of a balanced diet.

big tall bottle of hemp milk

Frequently Asked Questions

Is hemp milk nutritious?

Yes, hemp milk is highly nutritious. It's rich in essential nutrients like protein, amino acids, omega-3, and omega-6 fatty acids. Hemp milk also contains vitamins and minerals, making it a healthy dairy-free alternative for those looking to boost their nutrient intake.

Is hemp milk high in estrogen?

No, hemp protein does not contain estrogen. As hemp foods have no phytoestrogen properties, hemp products don't have an impact on estrogen levels one way or the other.

How does hemp milk taste?

Hemp milk has a unique nutty flavor that's often described as earthy or grassy. Its taste is mild and pleasant, making it versatile for use in various recipes. The texture is creamy and smooth, similar to other plant-based milk alternatives.

Can I use hemp milk in coffee?

Absolutely! Hemp milk is an excellent choice for coffee. Its creamy texture blends well with coffee, and it can even be frothed for latte art. The nutty flavor of hemp milk complements coffee nicely without overpowering it.

Is hemp milk suitable for people with allergies?

While hemp milk is generally safe for most people, those with tree nut allergies should exercise caution. Although hemp is not a tree nut, cross-contamination can occur during processing. It's always best to consult with a doctor before adding hemp milk to your diet if you have allergies.

How long does hemp milk last?

Unopened commercial hemp milk can last for several months when stored properly. Once opened, refrigerate the carton and consume within 7-10 days. For longer storage, you can freeze leftover hemp milk in ice cube trays for future use in smoothies or iced coffee.

Can I make hemp milk at home?

Yes, you can easily make hemp milk at home. Using a Milk Maker, you can create homemade hemp milk in just 7 simple steps. This method is cost-effective and allows you to control the ingredients, avoiding additives often found in commercial versions.

Is hemp milk low in carbohydrates?

Yes, hemp milk is generally low in carbohydrates compared to other plant-based milk alternatives like oat milk. This makes it a good option for those following a low-carb diet or looking to manage their blood sugar levels.

Can hemp milk be used in baking?

Hemp milk works well in baking recipes. Its creamy texture and neutral flavor make it a suitable replacement for dairy milk in most baked goods. It can enhance the nutritional profile of your baked treats while maintaining desired taste and texture.

Hemp milk has all the essential amino acids your body needs.

Hemp milk has the perfect ratio of Omegas.

Hemp milk is healthier to make at home as there's no additives, and it's a breeze with the Milk Maker.

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