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Will Hemp Milk Test Positive on a Drug Test? Debunking the Myth

Hemp Milk Drug Test myth with 4 bottle milk

There’s a common concern among hemp milk drinkers: could consuming hemp milk cause you to fail a drug test? Given the stigma surrounding hemp and its association with marijuana, it’s understandable to question if this popular dairy alternative might impact your test results. In this article, we'll debunk the myth and provide a clear answer about whether hemp milk can affect drug tests.

Understanding Hemp Milk

Hemp milk is a plant-based milk made from hemp seeds, known for its nutritional benefits and creamy texture. Unlike other plant-based milks, hemp milk is derived from seeds rather than nuts or grains. It’s a popular choice for those looking to avoid dairy and soy.

Hemp vs. Marijuana: The Key Differences

Hemp and marijuana are both varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant, but they differ significantly in their uses, chemical composition, and legal status. Understanding these differences is crucial for navigating their various applications and regulations.

  1. Chemical Composition


  • THC Content: Hemp contains less than 0.3% THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound responsible for the "high" associated with marijuana.
  • CBD Content: Hemp is often high in CBD (cannabidiol), a non-psychoactive compound with potential health benefits.


  • THC Content: Marijuana contains higher levels of THC, typically ranging from 5% to 30%, which produces psychoactive effects.
  • CBD Content: Marijuana usually has lower levels of CBD compared to hemp, although some strains are bred specifically to have higher CBD levels.
  1. Appearance


  • Plant Structure: Hemp plants are tall and slender, with long fibers and narrow leaves. They can grow up to 15 feet tall.
  • Flowers: Hemp flowers are less dense and are primarily cultivated for their fiber or seeds.


  • Plant Structure: Marijuana plants are shorter and bushier, with broader leaves and denser buds.
  • Flowers: Marijuana flowers are more compact and resinous, used for their high THC content.
  1. Uses


  • Industrial Uses: Hemp is used for making textiles, paper, biodegradable plastics, and building materials.
  • Nutritional Uses: Hemp seeds and oil are used in food products and supplements for their nutritional benefits.
  • Health Uses: CBD derived from hemp is used in various wellness products for its potential therapeutic properties.


  • Recreational Use: Marijuana is primarily used for its psychoactive effects and is often consumed through smoking or edibles.
  • Medical Use: Marijuana is used to manage pain, nausea, and other medical conditions due to its THC and CBD content.
  1. Legal Status


  • Regulation: In many countries, including the United States, hemp is legal as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC. It is regulated to ensure compliance with THC limits.
  • Cultivation: Hemp cultivation is permitted in many regions under specific regulations and licensing.


  • Regulation: Marijuana is subject to stricter regulations and its legality varies widely by country and region. It is often classified as a controlled substance, though many places have legalized it for medical or recreational use.
  • Cultivation: Cultivation of marijuana typically requires a license and is subject to stringent regulations.
Hemp Milk Drug Test myth with 2 glass milk
  1. Health and Safety


  • Safety Profile: Hemp is generally considered safe and non-psychoactive. It is used in a variety of health and wellness products without the risk of intoxication.


  • Safety Profile: Marijuana's psychoactive effects can impair cognitive and motor functions. Its use may be regulated to ensure safe consumption and prevent misuse.

THC Content in Hemp Milk

The key concern for drug tests is THC, which is present in marijuana but only in trace amounts in hemp. Here’s why hemp milk is safe:

Low THC Levels

Hemp seeds contain only trace amounts of THC, typically less than 0.3%, which is not enough to cause any psychoactive effects or influence drug test results. The processing of hemp seeds into milk further reduces any residual THC levels.

Processing and Filtration

During the production of hemp milk, the seeds are blended with water and strained, removing most of the trace amounts of THC present. This process ensures that the final product is virtually free of THC.

Drug Testing Basics

Hemp Milk Drug Test myth with milk

Drug tests are designed to detect the presence of specific substances in the body, including THC. Here’s a quick overview of how drug tests work:

Types of Drug Tests

  • Urine Tests: The most common type of drug test, which detects THC metabolites.
  • Blood Tests: Less common, but can detect THC for a shorter period after consumption.
  • Hair Tests: Can detect drug use over a longer period but are not typically used for THC screening.

Detection Thresholds

Drug tests have specific thresholds for detecting THC. For example, the standard urine test cut-off for THC is 50 ng/mL, which is significantly higher than the amount of THC in hemp milk.

How Hemp Milk Is Processed

Hemp milk is a plant-based milk made from hemp seeds, and its production involves several key steps. Here's a breakdown of the processing:

  1. Selection of Hemp Seeds

  • Quality: High-quality, raw hemp seeds are selected. These seeds are typically shelled to remove the outer hull, leaving the nutrient-rich inner part.
  1. Soaking

  • Purpose: The seeds are soaked in water to soften them and make them easier to blend. Soaking can also help to improve the texture and consistency of the milk.
  1. Blending

  • Process: The soaked seeds are blended with water. The typical ratio is around 1 cup of hemp seeds to 3-4 cups of water, though this can vary based on desired thickness.
  1. Straining

  • Separation: The blended mixture is strained to remove the solid particles. This is usually done using a fine mesh strainer, cheesecloth, or a nut milk bag. The result is a smooth liquid, which is the hemp milk.
  1. Fortification (Optional)

  • Nutrients: Some hemp milk is fortified with additional nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, and B12 to enhance its nutritional profile. This fortification occurs during the processing stage, where these nutrients are added to the milk.
  1. Flavoring (Optional)

  • Additions: Flavorings such as vanilla or cocoa might be added to enhance taste. Sweeteners like agave, maple syrup, or cane sugar can also be included, depending on the brand.
  1. Homogenization

  • Consistency: To ensure a consistent texture and prevent separation, the hemp milk may be homogenized. This process breaks down fat molecules so they remain evenly distributed throughout the liquid.
  1. Pasteurization

  • Safety: Hemp milk is often pasteurized to kill any harmful bacteria and extend shelf life. This involves heating the milk to a specific temperature for a set period of time.
  1. Packaging

  • Containers: The processed hemp milk is then packaged in sterilized containers, such as cartons or bottles, under hygienic conditions to prevent contamination.
  1. Storage

  • Shelf Life: Packaged hemp milk is stored in refrigerated conditions if it’s fresh or in a cool, dry place if it’s shelf-stable. The shelf life varies based on whether it’s pasteurized and whether any preservatives are used.

Can Hemp Milk Affect Drug Test Results?

Given the minimal THC content and thorough processing, consuming hemp milk is highly unlikely to cause a positive drug test result. Here’s why:

THC Levels Are Too Low

The trace amounts of THC present in hemp seeds are not sufficient to trigger a positive result on standard drug tests, which are designed to detect much higher concentrations.

Strict Regulations

Hemp products are regulated to ensure they contain less than 0.3% THC, adhering to legal standards that further minimize any risk.

Alternative Concerns: Full-Spectrum Hemp Products

While hemp milk is safe, some other hemp-based products, such as full-spectrum hemp oils or CBD products, may contain higher levels of THC. These products can potentially impact drug test results if consumed in large quantities. Always check the product labels and opt for THC-free versions if you’re concerned.

What to Do if You're Concerned

If you’re worried about drug tests and hemp products:

  • Choose Hemp Milk Carefully: Opt for brands that clearly state they are THC-free.
  • Consult Your Employer: If drug tests are a part of your job requirements, consult with your employer or HR department about your concerns.
  • Read Labels: Check labels for any additional ingredients that might affect drug tests.

FAQs About Hemp Milk and Drug Tests

  1. Can hemp milk make you fail a drug test?

No, hemp milk contains only trace amounts of THC that are too low to affect drug test results.

  1. What if I drink large quantities of hemp milk?

Even in large quantities, hemp milk’s THC content is minimal and unlikely to cause a positive drug test.

  1. Are there any hemp products that can affect drug tests?

Yes, full-spectrum hemp oils and certain CBD products may contain higher levels of THC, so it’s important to choose THC-free options.

  1. How can I verify the THC content in hemp milk?

Check the product label or contact the manufacturer for information on THC levels and other ingredients.

  1. Should I avoid all hemp products if I'm worried about drug tests?

If you’re concerned, stick to hemp milk and other products labeled as THC-free. Avoid full-spectrum hemp products and consult with your employer if needed.


Hemp milk is a safe and nutritious alternative to dairy and other plant-based milks, and it will not cause a positive drug test. With its low THC content and the thorough processing, it undergoes, hemp milk is not a risk factor for drug test results. So, enjoy your hemp milk with peace of mind, knowing that it’s a healthy choice that won’t interfere with your drug testing.

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