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Pecan Milk Nutrition: The Creamy Way to Supercharge Health

Written by: Edward Haugh

Last updated on


Time to read 13 min

Pecan milk is quickly becoming a popular choice for health conscious individuals seeking a nutrient dense alternative to traditional dairy. This creamy , nutty beverage packs a powerful punch of essential vitamins , minerals , and antioxidants , making it a smart addition to any balanced diet.

We're excited to explore the benefits of pecan milk nutrition and why it's gaining traction in the world of plant based beverages. From heart-healthy fats to fiber and protein, pecan milk offers a wealth of nutrients that can support overall health and wellbeing . Whether you're lactose intolerant, following a vegan lifestyle, or simply looking to diversify your nutrient intake, pecan milk might just be the delicious solution you've been searching for.

Key Takeaways

  • Pecan milk is a nutrient dense, plant based alternative to dairy, rich in vitamins , minerals , and antioxidants

  • It's high in heart healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber, and essential micronu trients like vitamin E, thiamin, and zinc

  • Pecan milk offers potential benefits for heart health , energy levels , and skin/hair health

  • Compared to other plant based milks, pecan milk has a unique nutritional profile and a lower environmental impact

  • Making pecan milk at home is simple and allows for customization of flavor and sweetness

  • Pecan milk is becoming widely available in grocery stores , health food shops , and online marketplaces

What Is Pecan Milk?

Pecan milk is a creamy, nutrient dense beverage made from pecans. It's a plant based alternative to dairy milk that's taking the health food world by storm. Simply blend pecans with water and sometimes add a touch of natural flavors to create a smooth, buttery drink that's reminiscent of pecan pie in a glass.

Pecan milk nutrition is packed with essential vitamins , minerals , and antioxidants . It's a convenient way to enjoy the nutritional benefits of pecans in milk form. Each sip delivers heart healthy monounsaturated fats, protein, and dietary fiber, making it a nutritious addition to any diet.

Pecans provide a good source of fiber , thiamin , and zinc , while also being an excellent source of copper and manganese . Compared to other nuts, pecans are among the lowest in carbs and highest in dietary fiber .

Pecan milk is versatile and can be enjoyed straight from the carton, in coffee , poured over cereal , or blended into smoothies . Its rich, satisfying flavor profile makes it a delicious alternative for those who are lactose intolerant, following a vegan diet, or simply looking to switch up their milk game.

As an added bonus, pecan milk is environmentally friendly. Producing a glass of pecan milk generates significantly fewer greenhouse emissions compared to dairy milk, making it a sustainable choice for eco-conscious consumers.

Nutritional Profile of Pecan Milk

Pecan milk nutrition offers a nutrient rich alternative to traditional dairy, packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Let's check into the nutritional breakdown of this creamy, nutty beverage.


Pecan milk boasts an impressive macronutrient profile . In a single cup (240 ml) of unsweetened pecan milk, you'll find a balanced mix of carbohydrates , fats , and proteins . The macronutrient breakdown is approximately 12% carbs, 82% fat, and 6% protein . It's worth noting that pecan milk is particularly high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which contribute to its creamy texture and buttery flavor. These fats are known to support cardiovascular health. Additionally, pecan milk is a good source of dietary fiber , providing about 14% of your daily value in just one serving. This fiber content can aid in digestion and help you feel fuller for longer .


Pecan milk nutrition shines when it comes to micronutrients. It's a treasure trove of essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function optimally. Each serving is rich in vitamin E , a powerful antioxidant that supports immune function and skin health . You'll also find significant amounts of thiamin ( vitamin B1 ) and zinc , both crucial for energy metabolism and immune support . Pecan milk is an excellent source of copper and manganese , minerals that play vital roles in bone health and antioxidant defenses . It also contains folate , iron , and magnesium , contributing to various bodily functions from red blood cell formation to muscle and nerve function . This nutrient density makes pecan milk a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

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When it comes to calories, pecan milk strikes a balance between nutrition and moderation. A cup of unsweetened pecan milk typically contains about 130 calories . This calorie count is lower than whole dairy milk but slightly higher than some other plant based alternatives. However, it's important to remember that these calories come packed with a wide array of beneficial nutrients . The calorie content can vary depending on the brand and whether the milk is sweetened or flavored. For those watching their calorie intake, unsweetened varieties offer the most nutritional bang for your buck. Despite its calorie content, pecan milk's rich nutrient profile and satisfying nature can make it a smart choice for those looking to maintain a healthy weight while ensuring adequate nutrient intake .

Health Benefits of Pecan Milk

Pecan milk offers numerous health benefits due to its rich nutrient profile. Let's explore some of the ways this creamy, nutty beverage can contribute to your overall wellbeing .

Heart Health

Pecan milk nutrition packs a punch when it comes to heart health . It's loaded with monounsaturated fats, the same heart friendly fats found in olive oil. These fats help lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease . Pecan milk also contains antioxidants that fight inflammation , a key factor in cardiovascular health .

One glass of pecan milk provides a hefty dose of magnesium , a mineral that plays a crucial role in regulating blood pressure . It's like giving your heart a little hug with every sip! Plus, the fiber in pecan milk can help keep your digestive system running smoothly, which indirectly supports heart health. Remember, a happy gut often means a happy heart.

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Energy Boost

Feeling sluggish? Pecan milk nutrition might be your new secret weapon. It's a natural energy booster , thanks to its unique combination of nutrients. The healthy fats in pecan milk provide sustained energy, unlike the quick spike and crash you get from sugary drinks.

Pecan milk is also a good source of B vitamins , particularly thiamin . These vitamins are essential for converting food into energy . It's like having a tiny power plant in every glass! The protein in pecan milk, though not as high as in some other milk alternatives, still contributes to keeping you feeling full and energized. So next time you're in need of a pick-me-up, reach for some pecan milk instead of that afternoon coffee.

Skin and Hair Benefits

Pecan milk isn't just good for your insides; it can work wonders for your skin and hair too. It's rich in vitamin E , a potent antioxidant that helps protect your skin from damage caused by sun exposure and pollution. Think of it as a shield for your skin, fending off those pesky free radicals.

How Pecan Milk Compares to Other Plant-Based Milks

Pecan milk stands out in the crowded field of plant-based alternatives. We've found it offers a unique nutritional profile that sets it apart from its nutty and grainy counterparts.

Compared to almond milk, pecan milk packs a more substantial nutritional punch. It contains higher levels of heart healthy monounsaturated fats and provides more calories, making it a better option for those looking to increase their caloric intake. While almond milk might be the reigning champion in terms of popularity, pecan milk is the underdog with a secret weapon its rich , buttery flavor that almond milk can only dream of.

When pitted against oat milk, pecan milk shines in its lower carbohydrate content . This makes it a great choice for folks watching their carb intake or managing blood sugar levels . Oat milk might be the darling of coffee shops, but pecan milk is the sophisticated cousin that brings a touch of Southern charm to your latte.

Soy milk has long been hailed for its protein content, but pecan milk holds its own in the nutrient department. While it may not match soy's protein levels, pecan milk compensates with its impressive array of vitamins and minerals , particularly vitamin E, thiamin, and zinc. It's like soy milk went to finishing school and came back with a fancy new hat.

In the calcium stakes, most commercial plant-based milks are fortified to match dairy milk. However, pecan milk naturally contains small amounts of calcium, giving it a slight edge over unfortified alternatives. It's not quite a calcium heavyweight, but it's certainly no slouch either.

We can't ignore the environmental impact either. Pecan trees require less water than almonds and have a lower carbon footprint compared to dairy production. It's like pecan milk is giving Mother Nature a high five while other milks are still figuring out the handshake.

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Making Pecan Milk at Home

Creating pecan milk at home is a simple and rewarding process. With just a few ingredients and some basic equipment, you can whip up a batch of creamy, nutritious pecan milk in no time.


To make pecan milk at home, you'll want a Milk Maker :

  • 1 cup raw pecans

  • 5-6 cups water

  • 3-4 dates or 1-3 tbsp maple syrup (optional for sweetness)

  • Pinch of salt

  • Vanilla extract or Cacao (optional for flavor)

The beauty of homemade pecan milk lies in its simplicity. Raw pecans form the base, providing a rich , buttery flavor and impressive nutritional profile. Water dilutes the mixture to achieve the desired consistency. For those with a sweet tooth, dates or maple syrup can add natural sweetness without compromising the milk's health benefits. A pinch of salt enhances the overall flavor, while vanilla extract can introduce a subtle aromatic note.

  1. Soak pecans in water for 4-8 hours or in hot water for at least 15 minutes. This softens them and makes for a more creamy milk.

  2. Drain and rinse the soaked pecans.

  3. Add pecans (and flavor/sweetener) to the Filter Basket.

  4. Add 5-6 cups of fresh water to the Milk Maker from Milk Depot .

  5. Press START and in less than a minute you'll be enjoying fresh, automatically filtered milk .

  6. Transfer the pecan milk to a sealed container and refrigerate.

This process yields a creamy, nutrient-rich pecan milk that's free from additives and preservatives . The resulting beverage retains the beneficial nutrients of pecans, including heart healthy fats, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals. Homemade pecan milk typically lasts 3-5 days when refrigerated, offering a fresh and customizable alternative to store-bought versions.

Environmental Impact of Pecan Milk

Pecan milk isn't just a treat for our taste buds; it's a gift to Mother Nature too. We're all about making choices that are good for us and the planet, and pecan milk fits the bill perfectly.

When it comes to greenhouse gas emissions, pecan milk is a superstar. Producing a glass of dairy milk generates almost three times more greenhouse emissions than plant-based alternatives. That's like trading in your gas-guzzling SUV for a sleek electric car!

Water conservation is another area where pecan milk shines. Pecan trees are naturally drought - resistant and require less water than other nut trees. This means we can enjoy our creamy pecan milk without feeling guilty about excessive water usage. It's like having our cake and eating it too, except in this case, it's milk and we're saving water!

Pecan trees also play a crucial role in carbon sequestration . They act like nature's vacuum cleaners , sucking up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in their trunks, branches, and roots. So, every time we sip on pecan milk, we're indirectly helping to clean the air.

Moreover, pecan farming supports local ecosystems. These trees provide habitats for various wildlife species and contribute to biodiversity . It's as if each pecan tree is a tiny wildlife sanctuary !

By choosing pecan milk, we're supporting sustainable agriculture practices that work in harmony with nature. It's a delicious way to reduce our environmental footprint and nourish both our bodies and the planet.

Where to Buy Pecan Milk

Pecan milk is becoming increasingly available in grocery stores and online marketplaces . We've noticed a surge in demand for this nutritious alternative, and retailers are responding. You'll find pecan milk in the plant based milk section of many supermarkets, nestled among its almond and oat cousins.

Health food stores are excellent places to scout for pecan milk. These shops often carry a wider variety of plant based options, including pecan milk from both well known brands and local producers. Don't be surprised if you spot some unique flavored varieties there too!

Online shopping has made finding pecan milk a breeze. Major e-commerce platforms like Amazon and  Walmart   offer a range of pecan milk options. You can compare brands, read reviews, and have your chosen pecan milk delivered right to your doorstep.

For those who prefer to support local businesses, farmers ' markets can be treasure troves. Some local nut growers are expanding into milk production, offering freshly made pecan milk that's often free from preservatives and additives.

Specialty beverage shops and cafes are jumping on the pecan milk bandwagon too. Many now offer it as an alternative for lattes and smoothies. It's a great way to try pecan milk before committing to a full carton.

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Pecan milk stands out as a nutritious and eco-friendly alternative to dairy milk. We've explored its rich nutrient profile packed with essential vitamins, minerals and heart healthy fats. It's a versatile option for various dietary needs and offers numerous health benefits. Whether store-bought or homemade pecan milk provides a delicious way to boost nutrition and support sustainable practices. As it becomes more widely available we encourage you to give this creamy nutty beverage a try and experience its unique flavors and benefits firsthand.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is pecan milk?

Pecan milk is a plant-based beverage made from American-grown pecans blended with water. It's a creamy, nutrient-dense alternative to dairy milk, offering a smooth, buttery taste reminiscent of pecan pie. Providing essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

How does pecan milk compare to other plant-based milks?

Pecan milk nutrition stands out for its higher content of heart healthy monounsaturated fats compared to almond milk. It has fewer carbohydrates than oat milk, making it suitable for managing blood sugar levels. While it may not match soy milk's protein content, pecan milk nutrition offers a rich array of vitamins and minerals, including natural calcium.

What are the health benefits of pecan milk?

Pecan milk is rich in heart-healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants that combat inflammation. It contributes to energy levels through its combination of healthy fats and B vitamins. The high vitamin E content benefits skin and hair health by protecting against environmental damage. It's also a good source of thiamin, zinc, copper, and manganese.

Is pecan milk environmentally friendly?

Yes, pecan milk is an eco-friendly choice. Its production generates significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to dairy milk. Pecan trees are drought-resistant, require less water than other nut trees, and play a role in carbon sequestration. Pecan farming also supports local ecosystems and promotes biodiversity.

How can I make pecan milk at home?

To make pecan milk, soak raw pecans, blend them with filtered water, and strain the mixture. Optional ingredients include sweeteners like dates or maple syrup, salt, and vanilla extract. Homemade pecan milk is free from additives and preservatives, retains beneficial nutrients, and typically lasts 3-5 days when refrigerated. Consider using a Milk Maker to simplify the process.

Where can I buy pecan milk?

Pecan milk is increasingly available in grocery stores, health food stores, and online marketplaces like Amazon and Walmart.com. Farmers' markets may offer freshly made local options. Some specialty beverage shops and cafes now include pecan milk as an alternative for lattes and smoothies. Remember you can save BIG when making homemade pecan milk.

How can I use pecan milk in my diet?

Pecan milk nutrition is versatile and can be used in various ways. Enjoy it in coffee, tea, smoothies, or with cereal. It can also replace dairy milk in cooking and baking recipes. Its unique flavor adds a delightful touch to both sweet and savory dishes, making it a great choice for enhancing your culinary creations.

Edward Haugh - Founder of Milk Depot
Image from Facebook

Author: Edward Haugh - Founder of Milk Depot

Edward is a leading authority on plant based milks. With a passion for health, sustainability, and innovation, he has transformed the way consumers approach milk. His flagship product, the Milk Maker, enables users to create fresh, homemade plant-based milks in under a minute, free from additives and preservatives, all while saving customers up to 90% the cost of store bought milks.

As a trusted voice in the plant-based community, Edward advocates for the benefits of almond, oat, cashew, hemp, soy and all plant based milks while raising awareness on the dangers of the conventional milk industry, from it's additives, single use packaging waste, to environmental concerns and everything in-between. 

Through his articles on the free milk makers academy, and recipe blog, he provides essential insights and resources, empowering individuals to adopt healthier, eco-friendly choices. Edward Haugh is your go-to expert for all things plant based milk.
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