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How Much Does Hemp Milk Cost? A Price Comparison Guide

hemp milk cost comparison with 3 pots milk

Hemp milk is increasingly popular among those seeking a nutritious, plant-based alternative to dairy. But with so many options available, it can be tricky to determine how much you’ll spend. In this guide, we’ll break down the cost of hemp milk and compare prices across various brands and formats to help you find the best deal for your budget.

Introduction to Hemp Milk Prices

Hemp milk is a versatile and eco-friendly milk alternative, but its price can vary widely. Understanding the factors that influence its cost can help you make informed decisions and manage your grocery budget more effectively. Let’s dive into the details of hemp milk pricing and what you can expect to pay.

Factors Affecting Hemp Milk Prices

The price of hemp milk can be influenced by several factors:

  1. Brand: Premium brands or those with unique formulations, such as organic or fortified varieties, tend to be more expensive than generic or store brands.
  2. Packaging: The type of packaging (e.g., carton, glass bottle) and its size can affect the price. Larger sizes or eco-friendly packaging might be priced higher.
  3. Fortification: Hemp milk fortified with additional nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, or omega-3s can cost more than unfortified options.
  4. Organic Certification: Organic hemp milk, which is made from hemp grown without pesticides or synthetic fertilizers, generally costs more due to higher production costs.
  5. Production Costs: Factors such as the cost of raw materials, manufacturing processes, and supply chain logistics can influence the final price.
  6. Location: Prices can vary by region or country due to differences in local market conditions, import tariffs, or distribution costs.
  7. Retailer: Prices can differ between retailers, including grocery stores, health food stores, and online platforms, often depending on their pricing strategies and overhead costs.
  8. Seasonality: The availability of hemp milk and fluctuations in supply and demand can impact prices. Prices may rise during periods of high demand or low supply.
  9. Promotions and Discounts: Sales, promotions, or bulk purchasing options can also affect the price of hemp milk, making it cheaper when discounted.

Price Range for Store-Bought Hemp Milk

hemp milk cost comparison with 3 pots

Store-bought hemp milk typically falls within the following price ranges, depending on the brand and location:

  1. Standard Hemp Milk: $2.50 - $4.00 per quart (946 ml)
  2. Organic Hemp Milk: $3.50 - $5.50 per quart (946 ml)
  3. Fortified Hemp Milk (with added vitamins and minerals): $3.00 - $6.00 per quart (946 ml)
  4. Flavored Hemp Milk (such as vanilla or chocolate): $3.50 - $6.00 per quart (946 ml)

Prices can vary based on factors like store location, sales, and regional differences. Organic and fortified options generally cost more, while standard varieties are more affordable.

Comparison of Popular Hemp Milk Brands

  1. Pacific Foods Organic Hemp Milk

  • Taste and Texture: Creamy with a mild, nutty flavor. It has a smooth texture, making it ideal for drinking straight or adding to cereals.
  • Nutritional Content: Fortified with calcium and vitamin D, and contains about 1-2 grams of carbohydrates per serving. It is low in sugar and has a balanced profile of essential fatty acids.
  • Price: Mid-range; typically found around $3.50 to $4.50 per quart.
  • Special Features: Organic and non-GMO. Free from dairy, soy, and gluten.
  1. Hemp Bliss by Manitoba Harvest

  • Taste and Texture: Slightly nutty with a smooth, creamy consistency. It’s often noted for its rich flavor.
  • Nutritional Content: High in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Fortified with calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. Contains 1 gram of sugar per serving.
  • Price: Higher end; generally $4.00 to $5.00 per quart.
  • Special Features: Organic and sustainably sourced. Non-GMO and free from dairy and soy.
  1. GoodMylk Co. Hemp Milk

  • Taste and Texture: Mildly nutty flavor with a silky, smooth texture. Good for coffee, tea, and baking.
  • Nutritional Content: Fortified with calcium and vitamin D, and contains approximately 2 grams of carbohydrates per serving. Low in sugar.
  • Price: Around $3.00 to $4.00 per quart.
  • Special Features: Non-GMO and dairy-free. Also available in unsweetened varieties.
  1. Eden Foods Hemp Milk

  • Taste and Texture: Smooth and creamy with a subtle nutty flavor. Works well in smoothies and recipes.
  • Nutritional Content: Fortified with calcium and vitamin D. Contains about 2 grams of carbs and minimal sugar per serving.
  • Price: Mid-range; generally, $3.50 to $4.00 per quart.
  • Special Features: Organic, non-GMO, and free from additives. Known for its commitment to sustainable practices.
  1. So Delicious Organic Hemp Milk

hemp milk cost comparison with 2 pots milk
  • Taste and Texture: Creamy and slightly sweet with a mild nutty taste. Good for both drinking and cooking.
  • Nutritional Content: Contains added calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. About 1 gram of sugar per serving.
  • Price: Mid-range; around $3.50 to $4.00 per quart.
  • Special Features: Organic and non-GMO. Available in both sweetened and unsweetened varieties.
Dairy: Health food or health risk?

Key Considerations

  • Taste and Texture: Hemp milk brands vary in their nutty flavor and creaminess. Personal preference will guide your choice based on whether you prefer a richer taste or a lighter flavor.
  • Nutritional Content: Check for added nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and omega fatty acids. Lower sugar content is generally preferable.
  • Price: Prices can vary depending on brand and organic certification. Compare prices based on your budget and frequency of purchase.
  • Special Features: Organic and non-GMO options are important for many consumers. Also, consider if the product is available in unsweetened or flavored varieties.

Organic vs. Non-Organic Hemp Milk Prices

Organic hemp milk typically costs more due to:

  • Higher Production Costs: Organic farming practices are often more expensive.
  • Certification: Organic products require certification, adding to the cost.
  • Quality Ingredients: Organic hemp milk may use higher-quality, sustainably sourced ingredients.
Related: Choosing Organic Rice Milk

Expect to pay around $1.00 to $2.00 more per container for organic hemp milk compared to non-organic options.

Price Differences by Format

Different formats of hemp milk come at varying prices:

  • Cartons: $2.50 to $4.50 per 32 oz carton.
  • Single-Serve Packets: $1.00 to $1.75 each.
  • Powdered Hemp Milk: $10.00 to $15.00 per 8 oz package. Powdered hemp milk is a more concentrated option, often used for convenience or long shelf life.

How to Save Money on Hemp Milk

Here are some tips to save on hemp milk:

  • Buy in Bulk: Purchasing larger containers or multiple cartons at once can reduce the cost per unit.
  • Look for Sales and Discounts: Keep an eye out for promotions, coupons, and store discounts.
  • Compare Prices Online: Check prices from various online retailers to find the best deal.

Buying in Bulk: Pros and Cons


  • Cost Savings: Bulk purchases often come with a lower price per unit.
  • Convenience: Fewer trips to the store.


  • Storage: Bulk purchases require more storage space.
  • Shelf Life: Check expiration dates to avoid waste.

Online vs. In-Store Prices

Online retailers often offer competitive prices and convenience, but don’t forget to:

  • Factor in Shipping Costs: Sometimes the cost of shipping can offset any savings.
  • Check for Bulk Discounts: Online stores may offer discounts for bulk purchases.

In-store prices can vary, but you may benefit from immediate availability and no shipping fees.

Regional Price Variations

Hemp milk prices can differ by region due to:

  • Local Demand: Higher demand can drive prices up.
  • Transportation Costs: Costs can vary based on distance from the manufacturing plant.
  • Retail Markup: Different stores may have varying markups.

Homemade Hemp Milk: Cost Comparison

Making hemp milk at home can be more cost-effective if you:

  • Buy Hemp Seeds in Bulk: Seeds are usually cheaper in larger quantities.
  • Use Simple Ingredients: Homemade hemp milk requires just hemp seeds and water, making it less expensive than store-bought options.

Expect to spend around $0.50 to $1.00 per liter of homemade hemp milk, depending on the cost of hemp seeds.

Where to Find the Best Deals

To find the best deals on hemp milk:

  • Check Local Grocery Stores: Compare prices at different stores in your area.
  • Explore Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon, Thrive Market, and health food stores often have competitive prices.
  • Visit Health Food Stores: Specialty stores may offer bulk discounts or promotions.

FAQs About Hemp Milk Prices

  1. Why is organic hemp milk more expensive?

Organic hemp milk is pricier due to higher production costs, certification fees, and the use of quality ingredients.

  1. How can I save money on hemp milk?

Buying in bulk, using coupons, and shopping online can help you save on hemp milk purchases.

  1. Is it cheaper to make hemp milk at home?

Yes, homemade hemp milk can be less expensive if you buy hemp seeds in bulk and use simple ingredients.

  1. Do prices for hemp milk vary by region?

Yes, prices can vary based on local demand, transportation costs, and retail markups.

  1. Are there any bulk buying options for hemp milk?

Yes, bulk buying options are available online and, in some stores, offering savings on larger quantities.

Final Thoughts

Hemp milk can fit various budgets, but prices do vary based on brand, format, and whether it’s organic. By understanding the factors that influence pricing and exploring different purchasing options, you can find the best deal on hemp milk to suit your needs. Whether you’re buying in bulk, making it at home, or shopping online, a little research can go a long way in finding the most cost-effective option for you.

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